Tuesday, November 16, 2010

ESTS Pisa 2010

So Chicago went well. To my surprise they particularly liked my idea of rolling versions of standoff markup into a separate MVD. Unfortunately I didn't finish the formatter commandline tool and the web demo (see below) and even now they are incomplete. I will continue to develop these tools as soon as I have a free moment, but there are more pressing needs.

On the 25th we are presenting at the ESTS conference in Pisa, Italy. A lot of people will be there so I am keen to put on a good show. First we will show what we did for Rome in July properly, minus the technical glitches. (Hopefully there will be a better projector setup). And I also want to offer a single and simple installer for the MVD-GUI so that people can try it out. That means:

  1. Fixing remaining bugs in the finished modules
  2. Getting an all-in-one installer for my Joomla component and its modules.
There doesn't seem to be a kosher way to roll up installation of components and modules into one install package in Joomla, but the authors of Joomdle seem to have worked out a way. I am following their lead, and building something similar for my installer. Disguised as a component, the MVD-GUI will, when finished, actually install one component, three modules and a template. Anyone who can operate Joomla! should be able to do it. For the moment, though, I'll leave out Tree View because installation requires compilation of programs on the server. But we will certainly demonstrate it in Pisa. Of course I'm not going myself (I'm exhausted) but one of my colleagues is going instead. If you want to know who take a look at the programme.

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